Dinner & Family Fun Run
Saturday, April 28, 2012
4:00 PM - Family Fun Run
5:00-7:00 PM Dinner/Raffle & Auction
Mack Park North Pavilion
Many of you have been wondering what you can do to help the Kidman Family. We are in the process of putting together a Crappy Cancer Fundraiser. This event will begin with a Family Fun Run at Mack Park. Participants can sign up for either a 1 mile or a 5K run/walk. The Fun Run will be followed by a Corn Dog/Cheeseburger Dinner at the park. We will also hold a raffle and silent bid auction.
If you would like to volunteer to help with the Fundraiser please call Connie Beck at 563-1803.
You can also help by soliciting donations for the raffle/auction. We already have donations for a Kindle Fire, Marriott Hotel Nights, Piano Lessons, Oil Changes, etc! If you have a service you could offer, or have an “in” with any businesses who might be able to either donate an item or make a financial contribution, please contact them about a donation for this worthy cause. Natalie Robbins will be cataloging the donations, so please contact her at 563-6261 with any donations you are able to provide or have solicited.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing all of you on the 28th!!
Feel free to forward this information on to anyone you feel would be interested.